- water: 4 cup (~1 Liter)
- (small amount of mature water kefir from a previous batch)
- sugar: 1/4 cup
- water kefir grains: > 2 tablespoons
- dried fruit (fig, date): 2
- citron: 2 slices and a bit of juice
Initial Fermentation
- Dissolve sugar water
- Add dried fruit, citron kefir grains and mature solution
- Let it culture for one to two days (uncapped but covered with a cloth and rubber band)
- Strain the kefir through a nonreactive strainer into a pitcher
- Serve the kefir right away, or continue with the secondary fermentation below
Secondary Fermentation
- Take the decanted kefir and add another spoonful of sugar (to taste) plus/or the flavours you want – juice, slices of fruit, berries, herbs, ginger, whatever
- Cap the bottle and leave on the bench another 12 – 24 hours till it’s as fizzy and flavoured as you like it
- Milkwood:
- Nourished Kitchen: