Inspiriert von Michael Pollan's Buch Food Rules
- Esse deine Farben (
Eat your colors (Michael Pollan)
) - Esse 3 Stunden vor dem Zubettgehen
- Our body’s melatonin production starts to increase about 3 hours before our natural bedtime, meaning we’ll be less insulin sensitive in this time frame. (Found My Fitness)
- Warte 1 Stunde nach dem Aufwachen mit dem Frühstück
- Our body is still producing some melatonin when we wake up in the morning. Waiting until this clears out (which can be expedited by getting early morning bright light exposure) to eat will make sure you’re having food in your most insulin-sensitive state. Even better if you’ve exercised before! (Found My Fitness) -A Grain, a Green and a Beans for every Meal
- No Meat Athlete
- Food 52
- Eat real food. Avoid processed food.
- Cook yourself