Essentielle Öle
Hair Oil
Ingredients for 4 oz bottles:
- Tea tree oil: 8 drops
- Eucalyptus oil: 1 drops
- Lavender oil: 10 drops
- Rosemary oil: 5 drops
- Lime oil: 3 drops
- Add distilled water for the spray
- Or for the oil we use organic apricot kernel oil.
Perfumery Note and Family:
Ratio (top-middle-base): 30-50-20. Ratio, if oils are of the same family: 33-33-33
Number 1
Name | lat. name | note | family | drops |
bergamote | citrus bergamia | top | citrus | 2 |
rosmary | rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol | middle | herbal | 4 |
pine | picea mariana | middle/top | woody | 2 |
cedarwood atlas | cedrus atlantica | base | woods | 1 |
- Bergamotte
- aufrichtend und beruhigend
- löst Angstzustände, Stress und Spannung
- Rosemarie
- stärkt mentale Fähigkeiten
- stimuliert die Erinnerungen
- öffnet das Bewusstsein
- steigert Wachsamkeit
- erleichtert Ängste
- Fichte
- Balance und Erdung
- öffnet emotionale Blockaden
- Zedernholz
- reich an Sesquiterpen
- stimuliert das limbische System im Gehirn, das Zentrum der Emotionen und Erinnerungen
- stimuliert die Zirbeldrüse, welche Melatonin freilässt, dabei die Gedanken, Bewusstsein und Gedächtnis verbessert
Number 2
Name | Lat. Name | Note | Family | Drops |
Cyprett | Cupressus sempervirens | Middle | Woody | |
Lavender | Lavandula angustifolia | Middle/Top | Flower | |
Cedarwood atlas | Cedrus atlantica | Base | Woody |
- Zypresse
- unterstützt die Blutzirkulation und den Lymphfluss
- antiinfektiös, antibakteriell, antimikrobiell, schleimlösend, antiseptisch, erfrischend und entspannend
- Lavendel
- krampflösend, spannungslösend, entzündungshemmend und antiseptisch.
- Zedernholz
- reich an Sesquiterpen
- stimuliert das limbische System im Gehirn, das Zentrum der Emotionen und Erinnerungen
- stimuliert die Zirbeldrüse, welche Melatonin freilässt, dabei die Gedanken, Bewusstsein und Gedächtnis verbessert
Skin Treatment
This blend has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effects. But be careful tea tree oil may also irritate the skin. Do not forget to add carrier oil.
Name | lat. name | note | family | drops |
eucalyptus | top | woody | 3 | |
rosmary | rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol | middle | herbal | 2 |
lavender | Lavandula angustifolia | Middle/Top | Flower | ? |
tea tree | middle | herbal | 2 |
Thieves Oil
- Clove: 40
- Lemon: 35
- Cinnamon Bark: 20
- Eucalyptus: 15
- Rosemary: 10
- Mix all essential oils together in a dark glass bottle.
- This blend is very strong and must be diluted for safe use. The essential oil content should only account for 1 to 2% of the total formula. This means that when formulating homemade cleaning products or other creations, 6 to 12 drops of essential oil can be added per ounce of carrier oil or other menstruum.
Fir essential oils, citrus essential oils, and floral oils can have great effects on the brain to control anger outburst.
- 3 drops siberian fir essential oil
- 2 drops lavender essential oil
- 1 drop bergamot essential oil
Along with warm weather and flowers, comes the pollen and seasonal discomforts. Diffuse this blend when dealing with congestion, stuffiness, and any seasonal respiratory symptoms.
- 3 drops lavender essential oil
- 2 drops lemon essential oil
- 2 drops peppermint essential oil
- 1 drop eucalyptus essential oil
- 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
- 30 ml destilliertes Wasser
- Eucalyptus (Top | Woody)
- Lemon (Top | Citrus)
- Pine (Top | Woody)
- Lavender (Top/Middle | Floral)
- Rosemary (Middle | Herbal)
- Tea Tree (Middle | Herbal)
- Peppermint (Base | Minty/Herbal)