Tag: article

Culture Studies

Absolution of Responsibility

Personal Philosophy

My Guiding Principles After 20 Years of Programming

Jujutsu (jj), a git compatible VCS

The Great Blind Spot of Science and the Art of Asking the Complex Question the Only Answer to Which Is Life

Conflict Survival Guide

Iron Deficiencies are Very Bad and You Should Treat Them

School is Not Enough


Care Doesn't Scale

Having Taste

We Need More Consequences for Reckless Driving. But That Doesn’t Mean More Punishment

Field Notes from a Gear Tester

Filtered for Tampons and Structurelessness

Local Streets for Local People

The Art of the Scamp

Some thoughts on the Chorleywood bread process

Murmurations: From Ruptur to Repair

The Tacit Knowledge Series

Radical Belonging in an Age of Othering

All any of us can do is follow our own conscience and retain faith in our democracy

The home as a place of production

Food and Cooking on a Sailboat

Saving Food from the Fridge

Farmhouse Kitchen from A Pattern Language


To listen well, get curious

Through the Looking Glass, and What Zheludev et al. (2024) Found There

Sometimes the product innovation is the distribution

The Universal Foundations for a Good Life

Wealth = Have ÷ Need

An app can be a home-cooked meal

Design ain’t a democracy & We don’t need a boss, we need a process

Ómós Digest #151: Eucalyptus Gumnuts

Redesigning Piccalilli: the first part of the design process

Reading Well

October 7

Low floor, wide walls, high ceiling

When to Design for Emergence

The dangers of self-expression

Kinopio's Design Principles

What Kind of a Neighbor Are You?

The Egg

They're Made out of Meat

Tlon's Plan

Careful Technology